Wind Solutions

Hydroponic Greenhouse- Technologic Plants


Hydroponic Greenhouse  Climatization  ITC Ltd

The  Technologic  Plants installed in the Hydroponic Greenhouse are designed to be perfectly integrated with the structure and to favor the growth of crops in the Greenhouse.
The aim is to obtain a high yield of production and a very good crop quality, regardless of the outdoor climatic conditions .

The indoor climate, handled with the installation suited to crops, manages the concentration of carbon dioxide CO2, oxygen, temperature, humidity, and brightness; all elements that are interrelated and that must be present in balanced quantities to hae a good performances of crops .

The Hydroponic Greenhouse in equipped with automated systems that can be controlled and managed with remote controller .
The Technologic plants enclosed in the Hydroponic Greenhouse , can be customized and adapted to any type of crops, thanks to the use of the latest technological innovations.

All technologic plants needs Electric Energy to work .

For this reason we propose to install  on the Hydroponic Greenhouse, Energy Renewable Systems , as Solar panels and - or Wind Turbines , to produce all Electric Energy necessay for the management of technologic plants and cicle crops.


Energy Renewable Hydroponic Greenhouse  ITC Ltd

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